Albert Einstein's renowned statement, "everything is energy and that’s all there is to it…." allows us to view the world through an energetic perspective. This insight empowers us to harness the full potential of each level of our mind (conscious, subconscious, & superconscious) and align them towards a singular objective. By weaving patterns within the subconscious, we manifest "synchronicities," amplify momentum, and deliberately cultivate a mindset that serves our best interests.

Rick employs vision boards as a tool to guide his clients in harnessing personal empowerment through their own aspirations. By dissecting the elements of willpower into its smallest components, individuals can refine their skills, enabling the strengthening of volition to extend across different facets of their lives.

As clients' volition grows stronger, Rick aids them in eliminating subconscious barriers using the help of PSYCH‐K®. This process propels energy from the subconscious (emotion, aka energy in motion) to the conscious intention, generating momentum. Consequently, individuals not only experience increased awareness & empowerment but also manifest improved realities externally at a much higher frequency.

An analogy for this concept is akin to a kink in a hose. When the kink is smoothed out, water flows through the hose at an optimal rate until it reaches a steady flow. Similarly, in our minds, we aim to remove obstacles and streamline our thoughts to achieve optimal mental flow.

After devoting eight years to exploring the potency of concentration through meditative practices, Rick has attained remarkable proficiency as a spiritual practitioner. Triggered by a profound spiritual awakening, he commits himself to daily practice of Vipassana meditation with diligence. Rick has fostered a deep awareness of patterns and their origins through self-observation during meditation and aligning the creation process with the study of vision boards.

Rick is a qualified PSYCH‐K® Facilitator, having completed training in:

  • The PSYCH‐K® Basic Workshop

  • The Advanced Integration Workshop

  • The Master Facilitation Workshop

  • The Health and Well Being Program

  • The Divine Integration Retreat.